Read more about the article Interview of the head coach Edis Mulalic before the match with Mornar

Interview of the head coach Edis Mulalic before the match with Mornar

We are facing a tough match against a team that has played excellently in Europe and is certainly among the best teams in the league. We have had  some personnel issues, and we are trying to stabilize and play a good game. We are hoping for the best!

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Read more about the article Deklarata e shefit te stafit teknik Edis Mulaliq para ndeshjes me ekipin Mornar

Deklarata e shefit te stafit teknik Edis Mulaliq para ndeshjes me ekipin Mornar

Na pret një ndeshje e vështirë kundër një kundërshtari që ka  luajtur shkëlqyeshëm në Evropë dhe sigurisht ndër ekipet më  të mira në ligë.  Ne kemi pasur disa probleme me personelin, përpiqemi të  stabilizohemi dhe të luajmë një ndeshje të mirë. Shpresojmë  për më  të  mirën!

Continue ReadingDeklarata e shefit te stafit teknik Edis Mulaliq para ndeshjes me ekipin Mornar
Read more about the article Interview of the head coach Edis Mulalic before the match with Bokel

Interview of the head coach Edis Mulalic before the match with Bokel

We are facing a tough match against an opponent who has started the championship well and has a good team and good individuals. It’s up to us to  try to impose ourselves and give our best to achieve a good result.

Continue ReadingInterview of the head coach Edis Mulalic before the match with Bokel